17 January 2013


Life has changed drastically in our home since Miss Thing 3 arrived. Everything has changed, even down to brushing teeth has changed. While carrying her in our handy baby pack, her head sits right in the standard 'rinse' area, so I had to figure out the right twist and bend in order to avoid having a sudsy, and likely grumpy, baby, while keeping her upright enough to not make her just a grumpy baby. It reminded me of the time when my brother and I saw a sit-com commercial about two roommates, I think, that involved one drying his neck while the other apologized profusely through his lather. We pretending to recreate the scene for several weeks after that, though thankfully we never needed to dry anyone. Back to the topic at hand.

Yes, everything has changed, save one thing. My husband is still excellent and supportive as ever, even though he is more tired and busy than ever. The Miss and I attended a Mom and Baby group this week and were inundated with a chorus of complaints from moms struggling more to take care of their husband than taking care of the infant. One dad claimed that the baby was going to be too needy if he used the wrap, which she loves, so he let her scream in her seat instead, or the engineer dad who needs a structured schedule and told mom she was too lenient in enforcing naps, meals, play, etc. The Daddy in this house knows better, for which I am grateful. So here's to all great husbands who choose to become excellent dads. Thanks from me.

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