09 July 2012

Garden: Summer 2012

This weekend marks the beginning of the Summer 2012 Gardening Experience. We're growing Botanical Gardens here! We planted basil on Friday and pole beans on Saturday. Guess who already has basil sprouting?!

The secret? I soaked the seeds for a few hours before planting. Sure, it's a little early to report, but after returning from vacation to a drooping and dried basil plant that had a tragically short life, I'm excited to have pesto possibilities once again.

Maybe the beans will come up tomorrow...or the next day. We hope to add in tomatoes and possibly strawberries. Since we recently expanded our outdoor living space, we have more room to grow stuff, though we still need pots to hold the plants. Or maybe we can build one of these.

Someday my garden might look like the photo, only with more edibles. But, it has to start at the very beginning...and I live in the desert. That doesn't mean I have to stop dreaming!


  1. I think you should definitely build one of those. :)

  2. Sure, and then you can come build one with me. :)
