23 January 2013

Laundry list

As mentioned previously, somewhere, be it in a post or elsewhere, having a child has opened my eyes to several facts of life. I now know why some moms are late, never have time, have a messy house, car, boat, or RV, and why dinner must be prepared in under 7 minutes. I also know why mothers either must have several closets full of clothing or must never go anywhere. It all comes down to the baby. As I left the house one morning this weekend, I noticed my favorite jacket had the flaky remains of a recent baby eruption on the shoulder. It was washed earlier that week and I tried to keep it as tidy as possible, especially since anything baby leaves behind shows up so well on black. On closer examination, I noticed that underneath the remnants, the color was turning purple. It has bleached my jacket!

In November, my cousin was holding the Little Miss for a few minutes and got to experience the after dinner regurgitation herself. Thankfully, she "still thinks that spit-up was a sign of love. ;D" My baby must love me lots.

Just goes to show that I probably need to do laundry better...or never go anywhere.


  1. Sometimes the washing machine's drain pipe freezes. Then you just deal with the bleaching. :)

  2. Time for you to start wearing lots of beige and forgoe the black...haha j/k! But seriously patterns - patterns hide things much better than solids ;) Sorry that your jacket got bleached, yuck!
