29 April 2011

The Porcelain Throne

Toilet scrubbing may not always be the most conducive activity for contemplating fairy tales, weddings, and happily ever afters...and then reality, but with Britain celebrating the royal wedding today as the rest of the world looked on, those thoughts found a way through my skull.

Mostly, I wondered what I would like about living as a royal, not that I'm asking or predicting that such a thing would ever, ever happen. Would I enjoy not having to clean my own white throne? Would I be allowed to, even if I wanted?

As far as the marriage goes, would the demands of life ever allow for family time or spontaneous outings? Could you make dinner together or go on a date without someone else looking over your shoulder?

Luckily, in my fairy tale, the prince had no royal blood, nor was he extremely famous, extravagantly wealthy, nor friends with all the heads of state, but he wasn't a toad, either. (He even still had a full head of hair, unlike the royal prince.) And, best of all, the happily ever after part didn't end with the wedding. It only began there, even if I, myself, forever have to scrub my own porcelain bowl, I'll take it.

Would you?

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