26 October 2012

Between an easy and a hard place

Today a close friend of mine asked me if the new little one was an easy baby. The question struck me, because I hadn't ever thought about it. I let the question knock around my head a bit before realizing that she probably was an easy baby. It's being a mommy that is hard.


  1. It's probably not very possible to claim a baby is easy until you've had a few, and even then, it's a comparison you can only make within the bounds of your own experience. Funny how they can be easy, or hard, or whatever, and they're still cute. Even when they're not.

  2. I don't like to think about babies as "good" or "easy", or, conversely, "bad" or "hard". I think babies are babies, they're all challenging in their own way, and it's silly to label them. Hang in there--I'm sure you're doing great!!!
